Wednesday 14 January 2015


I continued writing as the network gave up on me..

You are in so many ways poetry material..has someone told you that..the notes go for minors to major and then theres the blend.. Bee.. .. I keep saying it coz I love it.. Dont change it okay
Sometimes it feels there's so much you want to tell me.. But then you do believe in short bursts right ..not huge splashes ...

Im so happie u liked d moon note.. Kinda blended wid u..and d moon.. Bee

You have 2 weeks after I come back u promise to talk to me on each of those 10 days.. I want to be wid u until you go away..

It's going to be eerily empty after that... Its not u it's me.

I had come to you with a thirst and you rained..and ure still raining and I'm soaking soaking..I was aiming for a day meal and you gave lifelong who would not want more of that around..

 I know ull be around.. But people disappear..and that fear eats me up .. So the scare..
Never mind you.. You get sleep and be wonderful..and dream... Id someday like to watch you sleep and dream and if it's a good dream you'd smile.. And I would grin back..


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