Wednesday 24 December 2014


The buzzing bee
Was buzzing with mee..
Buzzz buzzz..
She buzzzed mee..

My buzzingg sleep..
Where i buzzed with thee..
the only buzzed with me..

sleep paper tore..
You're back in yore..

I hav the buzzzing bee .
Buzzin with me..
Buzzin 'bout thee.

Buzzz buzzz..
She buzzed with me


Saturday 13 December 2014


The li'l bird walked..
In its moments of agony..
It talked..

Of a wind so nigh..
Of the sky so high..

She grew a wing..
Sing li'l bird, sing..

The song of silence..
Amid, impending violence..

The sky, blossomed with stars.
Li'l bird, forget the scars ..

Flap that wing..
Sing li'l girl, sing.


Sunday 19 October 2014

Oh why...

you're in puffy pyjamas..
A tiny shirt..
The dragon Nobert...
The dragon Nobert
Ur beauty..the trauma..
Oh girl..
just kill the drama..
Just kill the drama...

see u swim..
See u fly..
See those lovely hair..
Is it all a lie...

See u read..
See u cry..
See u dream..
See u try
See u burn me and fry

u say..
U're ordinary..

Are u here..
With tat boiling
Those meaty eyes..
To roast me - fry..
Oh why
Oh why


Sunday 5 October 2014

Awakened Sleep

The awakened sleep.

When you wake up, what is the first thought that hits you..?

Is it not whats lurking through your subconscious, biding his time, waiting with a patient unease..I see it as a monster in hibernation - growling all the time - but still in hibernation - waiting.

And so you wake up, the brain which was free of any thought in its sleep state, is flooded with that one thought - as the flood gates open, the monster - awakens from hibernation and seeks to kill. It's hungry.

As that one ray of sun, hits the horizon and the black empty space is now bright and shining with Sun-light..

And so each morning, my dearest, you come to me even before I open my eyes. Even before the sleep breaks - you are rolling up and down my subconscious.

Laying apart every other thought, the other thoughts think you rule them and all they do is bow before you - my queen.

Like a blank canvas being soaked in just one color, you.

There is nothing else in this mind, but you.

There is nothing else in life, but you.

 Everything else is just a distraction.


Just in case you ever foolishly forget; I'm never not thinking of you'

I wish you had pinged once. 

You`re still here

So shes blue..
Like the heavens ..
The oceans new..

The necklace..
Hugs d neck..
Lucky boy..
Oh wat d heck...

This isn't working..

So wat will.. Just writing..

Ok so ure hear this everyday (if you dont then people are blind) . So I look at this picture and then I want to keep looking at it and not write.. Coz u're calming.. So I wish I could talk to you and be around each day.. Cause you slow things down..

Without saying a word u say.
"okay joe, come here, sit next to me, breathe, now tell me what's going on"

blue sinks in with the skin..
Like a blotting paper and ink..

 A letter with loving words..
sky flying with birds..

The smile within..
Tats you ..fat n thin..

And then there's a kid..

Which one I wonder..
Out of the two..
Is more cuter..

The body has grown..
Outward is a pretty gown..
But in there..
Theres a child..
As naughty..
As wild..

So tats the two pictures..

Office wants me..
so I have to leave..

With the pretty picture in my eyes..
Office today..
Will be sweeter as chocolate pie..

Aren't you still here


Another day - rain soaked.

Is there a place I cannot go without you..

Muted life..muted thots..
Muted knives..piercing thots..

As u r flushed out..
wat fills in ..
that despair...
.is a wailing wind..
cold and screaming..

everything that entangles the muddy mind..
was soiled in you..

Eyes brimmed, throat choked..

Another day - rain soaked.


find wat u love and then let it kill u

There is no life without you..

a meaningless pursuit..

finding glories I dont seek..

Pleasures I dont need..

Uncomforting comforts..

The sentences end with 2 words..

How did yu turn a dream into a nightmare..  a nightmare which wakes me each night..

As ur absence trembles my  trembling existence..

The signboard says abyss ahead..

Hold my hand as I plunge into it..

I guess Bukowski said..find wat u love and then let it kill u..


the moving on routine

An invisible blanket ...
I peek thru..
it's ur world this time.
.I sneak thru..

The sun's not burnt down..
The grass is still green..
Little Lily in my eyes..
D same old dream..

You're still here..
My darling..
Y still here..


World churns ..
D blanket burns..

People get over things.. C'mon I wouldnt do so badly..

Saturday 4 October 2014


The quiet around me..
in the sky.. on my balcony..
has quietly invaded my heart ...
she's come and hugged me and
let my senses loose..

As I drift below her shadow..
I am the quiet
and the quiet is me..

as now she serenely enters my mind..
like a slow shutdown..
the bright light goes dim..flickers and then burns out..

The invasion is over
as wat I now see is her everywhere..
the quiet unbound..unborn and still living..loving.. healing..

The quiet woman..
the chaotic man..

Melancholy yet sweet silence..

meet..mate.. live..




There is nobody ..
as beautiful as you ..

there is nobody who rips my heart open..
as you...

As another empty day is spent..
The fragrant flowers...
the  sunlit.skies ..
the wine in the air..
They are all, as you..
Reminding of you..
Of you.
.just you..
Of only you..

What's left of me is you..
The mirror shows through..
D skin me..
the soul

Empty eyes..dream of you..
Thirsty throats .. Drink you..
Scarred skin..touches you..
Lusty lips .. They miss you..

My love my life..
Through n thorough..

Is you..


That picture of you..

Can I tell u how u r a sight for sore eyes..
How can I begin to tell peacefully beautiful that picture is..

I want to look at it sitting on a tent ..near a lake..the wind has only picked the sun only about to set...

And then I.bring this picture the sun..
Has a glimpse..
and smiles...
as he goes

..knowin there is something more brighter ..
more enriching..
more wonderful..
Than him..

And wid a smile he I'm gazing at u as u gaze back ...
at me. ..

I could do this forever and more and then maybe take it to the next forever  ..

The sun would keep shining and so would I in ur light..



Weak knees..
lock-less keys..

The blinding light..
Ur very sight..

Thunderous heart..
Falling right apart..

And all u see. 
Is a face straight..

The Key's gates
Pro-Found mate..


Wednesday 24 September 2014


Settin her sail..
Along the tidal rail..

You can swim thru..
To ur sun via oceans anew ..

Never knowin..the mirage..
Shadowin her eyes blue..

A ship in the sand..
Floating thru..

Her sun,
Sinking thru

I'll take the moon
She says..

Goddamn you..


Keats and you

I just read a beautiful Keats poem...

I would have read it to you to sleep if you were here...
The entire place is foggy..
 The window is moist..
D nippy air is cold...

The only sound is of d cricket's buzzing and d clock breathing..

You know when a clock ticks its actually breathing...



This Day, that day

Its the same day,
a muffled drizzle today - ...
a moaning mist,
there was,
that day..

You were in my arms,
seeking refuge from the cold ,
Now those arms lay waste -
 there's nothing to hold..

reckless happiness
we captured in frame..
glinting eyes,
now shadows gone pale..

On my cheek..
lay ur flying kiss..
A teardrop now, ..
took a dip in that abyss..

I was sobbing then..
Im crying now..

A heartless man..
Is loveless and how..
My fear.
my love...

Go on ...

Kill me now.


Saturday 6 September 2014

My Sky Lark

...the sky..
...sunk in the water..
Like d sun..

in the sea's..
On d run ..

Oceans melted..
Clouds merged..
No rain..
In this tidal surge..

passion unbound..

Losing ..
Who wants to be found..?

The sparkling thunder..
The glorious wave..
Were given birth..
This very day..

She sat ..
as she saw..
This glory..
This dance..

All colors..
White enhanced..

Sparkling sand ..
In d night..too dark
There she was.
My sky lark.


Saturday 30 August 2014

Here today?

It is so uncanny to let your person be in the office I leave the man who is me - outside and he keeps waiting in the sun – absorbing nothing – knowing nothing – a blanket is on his head – he see`s nothing –at that very place where I leave him – each day – where I pick him up on my way out..and then he`s me.


Passing through the lobby, a scent hit my system – my thots..all my bones..dissolved – it was her scent – she couldn`t be here and still was – I - on my knees – did I even have knees.

The man outside – barged inside – as the scent rolled over and submerged me in its deepest fragrance and as the man came in running he too took a dip – dived and as we merged - the fragrance rolled over us –as the world disappeared and everything that was – was you..


Were you here today ?



Friday 29 August 2014

The cure

Without all the couture..
Without all that glamour..

With questions so immature..
But answers so mature.

Im in love with your soul...
The most serene and pure..
To be wid u ..I m lured..

When everything is blur..
Wen pressure I cannot endure..
Wen im so unsure..
Be wid me for sure..

For you r d one
who knows d cure.

Thursday 28 August 2014


for the people of shade...
For they dissolve where others fade..
Gazing at her without a blink ..
I she turns pink..

She peeks..
Beneath the blanket..
Of cotton clouds anew..

I grow hoarse..howling..
Oh beauty you !!
Oh beauty you !

Saturday 23 August 2014

A year turns over.

A year turns over..
the chapter ends..

It was bloody..
the affairs were sordid..

It took me a thousand miles..
with thots of you in piles..

to realize this..
comprehend this..

your presence -
its being..
carries me..

to a world unseen..
finding my being..
my being !!

Friday 22 August 2014

Air Fire - Faire Afire

I fought it.all my life
and then. dark and is.thin...

They say I.deserved it.
coz I.
was a man too bad...
who only loved and din care...
he went where the devils.didn't dare...

As it goes...
Out of his mind ..
being absolutely crazy.
but so was she ...
her eyes dark n.hazy...

Downright dumb
he was wid her ..
his life ..
the white.lily...

She was strong ..he was fair...
They wer together ..the fire..the air...
The air was breezy..
unmindful and dreamy

The fire was warm...shy ..never wanting no harm..
the air and fire..together faire..
.the one who grants wishes..
who is strong and fair...

Then d tides changed...
D volcano came
so did the hurricane...

They blew the world out ...
Like d gods
angry gods...
gone insane..

The air has calmed...has become more sane...
The fire still erupts..the volcanoz unfazed...

The breeze is glum..blowing on a winter too cold...
waiting for d warm fire...
bringing summer in its womb..


Saturday 9 August 2014

Space Tavel

We went to and me...beyond the blue..the black..the grey...we sat on the moon..the brighter's always full moon here you said..I nodded..

 As we sipped the wine in zero gravity..Africa passed before us covered by the Indian and the Atlantic (or is it Pacific) said there goes Egypt..I named a pyramid by my name..I smiled and remembered how I promised you a trip to Egypt..

Here u go I said the entire planets for Africa gave way to the Amazon- the rainforests...
"your house jungle boy" you said..I smiled again..

As we saw the sunrise from the moon.. A bright ray falling on the blue..d oceans sparkled..the black turned green...

"woooahhh" you said as you stood up ..ur eyes out as you gasped at wat you saw ..the child in you. Out in her fullest..she had to come to space to get her out I wondered...

I looked up and said

 "hey should see the sun on the's amazing" turned and squinted your eyes for a better I sat and looked at you smilin all the time...sipped my wine..

Kept dreaming :)