Monday 20 April 2015

Orgasmic Price

Its difficult for a let her true desires come this wild wild world..

We constantly see what's happening..these insects dont let the flowers bloom..
 Closed doors.. Ur eyes n mine..
The souls already
 hold hands..
Soft flowers..
put lips and taste them..
clasp the other hand..fingers interwine..
Forever waiting to be closed..
grab u closer.. ur chest brushes mine..
pull you even closer..I hear you breathe.
 let the hair loose open.. let the river flow..
 unwrap your tshirt.. Unclasp the bra...
As Ur spine..ever so erect..
Feels a chill.. Run down..
. A blossomed flower
...Fresh as dewy grass..
as the first rains..
I kiss them lips..while tongues make love ...
let my body rise....
My teeth ur neck..
As I leave my mark...
And then ur breasts..
sucking the fruit so ripe..
nipples stretch I get real high...
My hands then hold ....
As I sink my face..between two mute..
U gasp..u shriek.. As I suck you in..
Ecstasy arise...
Orgasmic price


I love them.lips
A peck on them tonight...
Seeing u, in bed every-time..
invokes passion unbound..
the surge is involuntary...
as wat rises..
 wants to meet u as it's end..


.. too tired to find words yesterday ..

came ur lips..
Strawberries cheeries..
Filled wid passion ..
Nd burning desire...

I forgot my promises ..
And I kissed those lips..
Mine on yours..
One over another ...

as u responded ...
I tasted ecstasy..
A mouthful..
My tongue found a mate ..
And it rolled over yours...

kissed ur neck...
And as I moved down..
clasped ur burning breasts..
bodies one..
found a way inside..
Bodies stripped of clothes..

Mind of thot..
Me inside u..
U inside me..



Aah highs...

Tall cliffs..
The what iffss..

Heart dips.
Red lips..

Unclothed you,
Baby blue,

these legs,
Whiskied pegs..
I'm  drunk on you,
Fall in ur arms..
Daisy farms..

butt cheeks cute..
Imagination gone brute..
Let me see more
I implore


Oh c'mon you ...
Oh yes you...

U dewy eyed girl..
Wanna have some funn..

Ye fun...

While ur daddys not home..
Do yu wanna have fun..

I'll teach u play..
The guitar ..
pretty clay..
I'll mould u away....


Little girl..away..

The C minor there..
The 4 th string here..
Oh c'mon here..
C'mon here..

U little girl..
wanna have fun..

C'mon here..
Oh c'mon here..

I'll teach u to make..
A happy poem...

A few birds here..
A galactical object there..

And those dumb boys..
Will swoon here and there...


Everywhere..little girl..

Theyll swoon everywhere..

So, little girl do you wanna have fun..
 While your daddy's not in..

Lets get this done..
Get some fun..

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